Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Love the boy who... doesn't have venus in gemini

Love the boy who doesn't have venus in gemini (or at least understands how it influences him).  His thoughts, his actions.  The boy who fights for the intense passion, rather than letting it simmer down over time into friendship.  Who doesn’t over-analyse the relationship but lives it each and every day without trying, without thinking.  The boy who is charming and flirty but who doesn’t get flighty – who revels in the passion both before being pinned down and still once committed.  The boy who isn’t fickle, unpredictable or lighthearted in love.   The boy who realizes that change and growth do occur within a partnership and that communication saves relationships.  That talking through feelings of uncertainty and drifting thoughts is easier than travelling down paths only to have your mind change back again.  That though the grass seems greener on the other side it too changes with the seasons,  and that if you stand still long enough renewal is around every corner. 

Love the boy who doesn’t sabotage relationships from the outset who doesn’t bail then ask the questions but is able to stand his ground in the face of the impulsive forces driving his lust.  Love the boy who cherishes your creative  expression in love, the words that you share with him – stimulating his gemini in venus, touching him and impressing him greatly all at once. The boy who can savor the attraction that he finds, is moved by it emotionally.  Who doesn’t change his mind or seek reassurance from his harem of other women.  Love the boy who doesn’t have venus in Gemini (or at least understands how it influences him)
Venus in Gemini - You idealize your attractions. You work yourself into a mental state that is electifying but short lived. You can't maintain a passionate relationship for long--your love affairs have to be continually revitalized by the power of your imagination....You understand love--you can write about it, talk about it with extraordinary insight--but you don't feel love to the depths of its wonderful profundity as ordinary long-suffering and tormented lovers do. You experience a fleeting superficial sensation. At times, you are even intensely jealous. But always it is an attachment of the mind, and it wanes as soon as you know the person sufficiently or a substitute new source of knowledge is available....You love to flirt.  Venus in Gemini people love to have a 'harem' of vivacious and intelligent men or women whom they can visit or call up any hour of the day or night...You entice the opposite sex in an indefinably subtle way with a suggestion of promise, a floating seductiveness, an aura of refined mysterious intimacy that when reached for, just isn't there.  You delight. You disappoint. You delight again. (From Astro Analysis on Taurus: Venus in Gemini)

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