Your Intuition Is Your Answer. - Rebecca Lammersen
“When you know, you know.”
I never understood this quote, until I understood it.
Nine years ago, I stood in the doorway of the house in which I currently live, and declared, “I’m home,” without ever stepping foot inside.
One month later, I moved in.
Two and a half years ago, I visited my friend for a massage. Afterwards, she asked if I wanted to see the only available studio on the ranch (which had just been listed for rent). I didn’t know why I wanted to see it, until I knew—
I stood in the doorway, groggy from body work and declared, “This is my yoga studio.” A week later I signed a lease.
I know when I have arrived home. We all do.
There is a clear difference between impulse and intuition.
Impulsive action leads to a stampede of second guessing, the feeling of being out in the cold, confused and indecisive. The aftershocks of impulse may take a while to appear, but they always do.
Intuitive action leads us home, without a doubt in our minds, we are safe–inside of ourselves.
This was the Facebook status I wrote yesterday. An hour after I posted it, I received a private message from one of my students.
She asked me, “What do you do when you don’t know? When you don’t get the intuitive feeling you described, but you don’t get an outright ‘this is wrong’ gut feeling either?”
My answer, “Sit and wait for awhile.” When we don’t know, it is an indication we are not listening.
She replied, “It is hard to wait when I want to be proactive.”
We can easily confuse being impulsive with being proactive.
It is hard to stay quiet and wait. We want something to grasp in order to feel in control of our lives. Waiting is painful. In the lull, we are presented with all of our fears, we have no choice but to feel them and experience them.
We are conditioned to believe, waiting/stillness is a symptom of laziness and lack of motivation.We think we must forge ahead, blazing a path of decision and direction, yet if we stop to listen, we will discover—we are always on the path, because we are the path. Taking time to stop and listen, does not halt our journey, it is the journey.
Being proactive is not about being active, it is about being patient. Impulse can not survive when patience is present. Patience reserves all of its space for intuition, this is where the answer, the ‘I know’ resides.
We always know—this is what I believe. If we are quiet enough, the answer is there. The true answer—the one which protects the integrity of our spirit.
As we mature, we learn how to discern between the voice of the mind and the voice of the spirit. One can not exist without the other. I think the stronger the mind, the stronger the intuition and vice versa. When we don’t know the answer right away and engage with patience, we observe the mind at work– questioning. We honor it as we hone in on the answer of the spirit.
However, the mind will second guess until the zombie apocalypse. It is enticing to live within the questions. There is safety and comfort on the carousel of analysis; it churns the sensation of control within us. We have been trained to think, making the right decision takes deliberation,vacillation and deep consideration.
I believe it is the opposite: analysis is a sign of the absence of intuition.
When I signed the lease for the studio, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, I just knew I was supposed to do it. It was one of the few times in my life, I was completely sure and scared shitless, equally. I knew if I allowed the ‘what ifs’ and analytics to direct me, I would lose my overwhelming connection to the feeling I first received when I walked through the door.
Once we have experienced the action of intuition, jumping into our fear is the only option, we welcome it.
We don’t waste time weighing the pros and cons, because there are pros and cons to everything in life.
Ultimately, it is the feeling we receive from our experiences that matter.
Before we function from our intuitive center, we must do the opposite–be impulsive and second guess. We will recognize how depleting and exhausting impulsive action is, once we discover the ease of intuitive action–the simplicity of honoring our spirit.
The truest answer is the first whisper and the first feeling. Our spirit is efficient and honest. She is not a game player or a manipulator. When she says yes, she means yes and when she says no, she means no. She wants us to expend as little energy possible deciding, so we reserve all of our energy to live our lives completely, genuinely and happily.
We begin living life, not just surviving and enduring life, when we discover—all of our answers are within us; we are always safe and sound amidst the fear. Once we know this, not knowing this is no longer an option.
And also...
Do You Trust Your Intuition? - Hayley Hobson
When I was younger I didn’t have a friggin’ clue that I had something called intuition.I guess it had been there all along, telling me I deserved better, not to date the guy that was treating me like crap, not to eat foods I knew weren’t great for my bod’, or make a choice I knew I’d regret.
Do you trust your intuition? Do you hear your inner voice? Do you heed its call or do you shove it down like a lot of people do?
You might not know this, but your inner voice (not the one reminding you how much laundry you have), the one deep down, inside your gut, is trying to guide you to your highest self.
In other words, it’s speaking to your soul.
Our world is filled with distractions and our mind runs amuck, racing from thought to thought. It’s hard to hear this voice when our minds are filled with loud noise and wandering thoughts all the time.
However, if you can actually stop the next time you hear that deeper voice and pay attention to what it is trying to tell you, you might just realize that you know how to govern your own life and give yourself exactly what you really need, deserve and desire.
Try it, and let me know if it works for you. I’d love to hear a personal intuition story of yours, if you are so inclined to share with me. Please leave your comments in the box below.