Saturday, August 1, 2015

Lessons... A new mantra...

A new mantra, it came to me the other day, has evolved a little but the meaning still the same.

Pefectly Unperfect

It came about in my previous blog as perfectly imperfect but to me unperfect resonated more closely with my intention - while I thought that unperfect wasn't actually a word which in itself made my mantra more spot on there seems to be some confusion.

A quick Google search of unperfect results in a Mirriam Webster dictionary result of:


adjective un·per·fect \-ˈpər-fikt\
Definition of UNPERFECT
:  imperfect


And while it may be a word it still doesn't sound quite right but therein lies the beauty.  It in itself is not perfect, imperfect.  Unperfect.

I love this mantra, it relates to so many things, in so many ways.  We are not perfect beings and nothing we do with ever be perfect but it can be perfectly acceptable, perfectly right, perfect for us.  Timing and editing, results and resolutions - never perfect and if we try and wait til it is then as we all know - it will never happen.  

So I aim to be perfectly unperfect. 

To follow my heart, to jump even through the overwhelming fear of it all, to put myself into this world when and where it feels right, timing and spelling errors be damned.  I am here.

Perfectly Unperfect.

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