For 365 days of 2014 I was grateful.
Every single day I wrote the things I was thankful for on a tiny little post it note.
People. Places. Adventure. Routine.
Often times my thoughts were simple, others they were many. Sometimes though they were a bit of a stretch.
Yet each day however small or insignificant there was still something.
As the days passed I noticed more, moments of pure joy that I'd previously passed right by, soulful connections with people who would also come and go throughout the year.
I saw many others follow this trend through the year - posting their 5 days of bliss online for the world to see. I carried out my journey in silence (until now), the only ones knowing my commitment were the ones who came to my house, saw the jar on the table filling over time. The ones who cared enough to ask about it.
My daily affirmations were not a secret but they were also not something I needed to shout out loud. My gratefulness resided purely for me. My perspective. To expand my view of the world. Mine.
My intention was to open all those yellow slips at the end of the year, a look back at the joy, a welcoming ritual for 2015. I even carried the small ziploc that they fill with me across half the world and back again to where they now sit on my bookshelf, still unopened.
I have yet to decide what I'll do with those little bits of paper. I have yet to feel the urge to look within. For within my journey of those 365 days I learned to be grateful without documentation, still everyday I find the little things to cherish. The simplicity of the moments that make up my life.
I am grateful everyday. My eyes more open than they were that first day of 2014. That was the lesson. To see the world in a more positive light than I had been. To savor the simplicities of daily life.
I always stop to smell the roses now. Every single day.
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