Monday, August 12, 2013

Resonating... whose life am I living?

Simply because you have chosen to live more authentically and powerfully inside of who you are doesn’t mean that everyone around you will see the same for you.

Remember these people are in your life because you were, up to this point, a vibrational match for them.  Now you’re changing who you are in a significant way.  You’re going through a true energetic transformation.

What you’re “putting out there” now may not resonate with the people in your life, and what’s going to show up is their stuff.

Anytime a person tells you what isn’t possible for you, keep firmly in mind that this is their stuff. They are speaking their truth, most likely about what they see as possible or not for themselves.  They’re just directing it at you.

If these people are close to us, it is going to be very easy for us to be “triggered” by familiar emotional patterns or behavioral patterns that quickly return us to our own familiar emotional responses.

Admittedly, it is not always easy to get through this time of transition.  This is why it is so important to know that the vision you’ve created for yourself leads to great rewards, unlike anything you’ve experienced before.  The vision must be able to pull you through the most difficult times, and this will be much easier for you when you’ve mastered a good releasing technique.

When people are your obstacle, it is often because you are concerned about what they will think about you should you suddenly take a new direction in life. 

At that point you have to ask yourself the all-important question:

Whose life am I living?

Are you living your life, or are you living a version of your life that you hope will please everyone else?

The honest answer to that question is important if you’re truly going to walk your own path.

It is easy to get concerned over the fear associated with relationships transforming significantly or falling away completely, but that concern is also simply a choice we are making.  Many of us have been taught that the ending of a relationship is something to be mourned.  Instead, we can celebrate every moment of every relationship for what it meant to us.  When the time comes to move on, we can do so with no hurt and no sadness, trusting that all was for the greater good, and that perhaps if appropriate, our paths will cross again.

From Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power: Everything You Need to Know about the Law of Attraction by Bob Doyle

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